桑島 梓先生
所属:Kuwashima Pain Management, PLLC 代表(米国テキサス州)、Texas TMJ Sleep and Facial Pain勤務(米国テキサス州)、 日本大学松戸歯学部有床義歯補綴学兼任講師 、桑島歯科クリニック(宮城県)
2007 日本大学松戸歯学部入学
2013 日本大学松戸歯学部卒業、日本国歯科医師免許取得
2015 日本大学松戸歯学研究科有床義歯補綴学大学院入学
2016-2018 University California Los Angeles, Orofacial Pain and Sleep Medicine
2019 日本大学松戸歯学研究科有床義歯補綴学大学院卒業、歯学博士取得
2019 米国口腔顔面痛ボード認定専門医取得
2021 米国テキサス州歯科医師免許取得
2021 Texas TMJ Sleep and Facial Painにて勤務
2021 Kuwashima Pain Management, PLLC 代表
2013 日本大学松戸歯学部卒業、日本国歯科医師免許取得
2015 日本大学松戸歯学研究科有床義歯補綴学大学院入学
2016-2018 University California Los Angeles, Orofacial Pain and Sleep Medicine
2019 日本大学松戸歯学研究科有床義歯補綴学大学院卒業、歯学博士取得
2019 米国口腔顔面痛ボード認定専門医取得
2021 米国テキサス州歯科医師免許取得
2021 Texas TMJ Sleep and Facial Painにて勤務
2021 Kuwashima Pain Management, PLLC 代表
・Diplomate of the American Board of Orofacial Pain
・Board Certified Fellow at the American Academy of Orofacial Pain
・UCLA Orofacial Pain and Sleep Medicine
・Board Certified Fellow at the American Academy of Orofacial Pain
・UCLA Orofacial Pain and Sleep Medicine
・The Quintessence vol.140 No.3 2022/Sep ICOP分類に基づく痛みの診断とマネジメント
・International Journal of Oral-Medical Science, 18 (1): 101-109, 2019 "Respiratory effect associated with use of occlusal orthotics in temporomandibular disorder patients"
・International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences, 17(3-4): 93-99, Mar 2019
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study
・J Prosthodontic Res. 2017 Apr;61(2): 113-122 “A double blind randomized clinical trial comparing lingualized and fully bilateral balanced posterior occlusion for conventional complete dentures.”
・Nihon University journal of oral science 2015 Nov; 41 vol. (3-4) “Evaluation of student Doctor using Cooperative Participatory Clinical Practice Questionnaire”
・International Journal of Oral-Medical Science, 18 (1): 101-109, 2019 "Respiratory effect associated with use of occlusal orthotics in temporomandibular disorder patients"
・International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences, 17(3-4): 93-99, Mar 2019
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study
・J Prosthodontic Res. 2017 Apr;61(2): 113-122 “A double blind randomized clinical trial comparing lingualized and fully bilateral balanced posterior occlusion for conventional complete dentures.”
・Nihon University journal of oral science 2015 Nov; 41 vol. (3-4) “Evaluation of student Doctor using Cooperative Participatory Clinical Practice Questionnaire”
・Correlation Between Pain and Psychological Evaluation on Patients with Orofacial Pain Seen during the COVID-19 Pandemic” AAOP 47th scientific meeting 2023
・Parotid Gland Pain Presenting as Initial Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus: A case report" AAOP 47th scientific meeting 2023
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study" AADR Southern California Section 2019
・The Respiratory Impact of Occlusal Orthotics in Temporomandibular Disorder Patients: Randomized Controlled Study" AAOP 43th scientific meeting 2019
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study" AAOP 43th scientific meeting 2019
・Observation of Consecutive Muscle Activity of Sleep Bruxism Individuals” 95th IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & exhibition, 2017
・The Influence of Blood Sampling Injection to Threshold Measurement” 95th IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & exhibition, 2017
・Pre-trigeminal neuralgia masquerades as glossodynia: A case report” AAOP 40th scientific meeting 2016
・Oral behavior and TMD symptoms in Asian student” Biennial joint congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, 2015
・Oral behavior and TMD symptoms in Asian student" , 93th IADR/AADR/CADR General session & Exhibition 2014
・Energy production nutrient balance of full denture patient, 8th Japan denture care society meeting 2016
・Masticatory muscle activity of bruxism with sleep splint” Prosthodontic research society for young researcher meeting 2016
・125th Japan prosthodontic society meeting “Consideration of patient lifestyle and background factor on deterioration of acrylic flexible reline material” 2016
・Prevalence of headache, facial pain and bruxism among dental students” 42th Japan headache society meeting, 2014
・Correlation Between Pain and Psychological Evaluation on Patients with Orofacial Pain Seen during the COVID-19 Pandemic” AAOP 47th scientific meeting 2023
・Parotid Gland Pain Presenting as Initial Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus: A case report" AAOP 47th scientific meeting 2023
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study" AADR Southern California Section 2019
・The Respiratory Impact of Occlusal Orthotics in Temporomandibular Disorder Patients: Randomized Controlled Study" AAOP 43th scientific meeting 2019
・Do Oral Parafunctional Behaviors Relate to the Natural Course of Self-healing of Temporomandibular Disorder? An 8-month Prospective Study" AAOP 43th scientific meeting 2019
・Observation of Consecutive Muscle Activity of Sleep Bruxism Individuals” 95th IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & exhibition, 2017
・The Influence of Blood Sampling Injection to Threshold Measurement” 95th IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & exhibition, 2017
・Pre-trigeminal neuralgia masquerades as glossodynia: A case report” AAOP 40th scientific meeting 2016
・Oral behavior and TMD symptoms in Asian student” Biennial joint congress of JPS-CPS-KAP, 2015
・Oral behavior and TMD symptoms in Asian student" , 93th IADR/AADR/CADR General session & Exhibition 2014
・Energy production nutrient balance of full denture patient, 8th Japan denture care society meeting 2016
・Masticatory muscle activity of bruxism with sleep splint” Prosthodontic research society for young researcher meeting 2016
・125th Japan prosthodontic society meeting “Consideration of patient lifestyle and background factor on deterioration of acrylic flexible reline material” 2016
・Prevalence of headache, facial pain and bruxism among dental students” 42th Japan headache society meeting, 2014
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